Nessa is a single adopter of 2 boys. Miles is 9 and has global developmental delay and learning disabilities. Bobby is 3 and has suffered a non-accidental injury and due to this he is partially sighted. He also has epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and global developmental delay.
Nessa said: "Miles is a lovely boy who has loads of energy, if you spoke to him you wouldn't realise he has any special needs. He is in mainstream school and has recently got his Education Health and Care Plan. He has 1-2-1 support in school to help him."
"As a single adopter, when I heard about Bobby and read his report, I didn't think I could look after a poorly baby with all of his needs. However, I had a chat with my social worker, and I'm so glad I took the decision to adopt him."
"Bobby is now walking, he is a climber, loves going to the park and soft play and he has no fear at all. He sleeps in a normal single bed and has also started to feed himself with a fork/spoon. He has started to talk and each week he learns new words. Like Miles, Bobby has 1-2-1 support at this will continue until he leaves primary school."
"Both my boys love each other, and I don't regret taking either of them on, in fact I'm glad the social workers 'pushed' my boundaries because both of them are a pleasure to look after."
"Would I adopt a child with special needs again? Absolutely, I would do it again tomorrow if I was allowed to!"
This is a real-life case study, we have changed the children's names and the image is posed by models to protect their identities.
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